The CTNT 2018 Conference (June 1-3, 2018) will feature research talks on arithmetic geometry and number theory. The goal is to bring together experts, postdocs, and students from arithmetic geometry and number theory. We hope this will stimulate mathematical discussion among the conference participants and summer school students. The students attending the summer school preceding the conference will be invited to attend the conference. The talks will give them a sense of contemporary research themes in number theory.

All talks will be at the Biology Physics Building (BPB 130 and BPB 131), and registration, and the coffee breaks will be outside of BPB 130. A campus map pointing to BPB can be found here (Google labels the building as the “School of Pharmacy”).
- CTNT 2018 – Titles and abstracts (as we received them)
- CTNT 2018 – Conference Schedule (PDF)
- CTNT 2018 – Poster (PDF)
Schedule of Events:
CTNT 2018 — June 1-3 — Titles | |||
Time | Event in room BPB 131 | Titles for Plenary Talks | |
1:15-1:20 | Welcoming remarks | ||
1:20-2:00 | David Rohrlich (BU) | Arithmetic statistics of Artin representations | |
2:10-2:50 | Christelle Vincent (UVM) | A lightning-fast survey of post-quantum cryptography | |
2:50-3:10 | Coffee break | ||
3:10-3:50 | Carl Wang-Erickson (Imperial) | Mazur’s Eisenstein ideal, Part 1: Prime level | |
4:00-4:40 | Dinesh Thakur (Rochester) | Special values and related structures in function fields | |
4:40-5:00 | Break | ||
Event in room BPB 130 | Event in room BPB 131 | Events in room PBB 129 | |
5:00-5:20 | Michael Chou (Tufts) | Jeffrey Hatley (Union College) | Wei-Lun Tsai (Texas A&M) |
5:30-5:50 | Harris Daniels (Amherst) | Wanlin Li (Wisconsin) | Khoi Vo (Cal State Long Beach) |
6:00-6:20 | Lori Watson (UGA) | Cihan Karabulut (William Paterson U) | Yuan Liu (Wisconsin) |
Time | Event in room BPB 131 | Titles for Plenary Talks | |
8:30-9:15 | Refreshments/Coffee | ||
9:15-9:55 | Andrew Sutherland (MIT) | Computation in supersingular isogeny graphs | |
9:55-10:10 | Break | ||
10:10-10:50 | Nathan Jones (UIC) | Never-primitive points on elliptic curves over the rationals | |
11:00-11:40 | Taylor Dupuy (UVM) | How do we use Mochizuki’s Inequality? | |
11:40-1:20 | Lunch break | ||
1:20-2:00 | Alina Cojocaru (UIC) | Primes, elliptic curves and cyclic groups | |
2:00-2:20 | Coffee break | ||
2:20-3:00 | Chris Rasmussen (Wesleyan) | Cyclic Covers and Ihara’s Question | |
3:00-3:20 | Break | ||
Event in room BPB 130 | Event in room BPB 131 | Events in room PBB 129 | |
3:20-3:40 | Hanson Smith (Univ. Colorado) | Krzysztof Klosin (CUNY) | Bin Zhao (UConn) |
3:50-4:10 | Jamie Juul (Amherst) | Sumita Garai (Penn State) | Koji Shimizu (Harvard) |
4:20-4:40 | Bianca Thompson (Harvey Mudd) | Erik Wallace (UConn) | Yunqing Tang (IAS) |
4:50-5:10 | Jorge Florez (CUNY) | ||
6:30 – 8:30 | BANQUET AT ALUMNI CENTER | ||
Time | Event in room BPB 131 | Titles for Plenary Talks | |
8:30-9:00 | Refreshments/Coffee | ||
9:00-9:40 | Robert Lemke Oliver (Tufts) | Selmer groups, Tate-Shafarevich groups, and ranks of abelian varieties in quadratic twist families | |
9:40-10:00 | Break | ||
10:00-10:40 | Preston Wake (UCLA) | Mazur’s Eisenstein ideal, Part 2: Squarefree level | |
10:50-11:30 | Ila Varma (Columbia) | The average size of 2-torsion elements in ray class groups of cubic fields | |
11:30-11:45 | Break | ||
11:45-12:25 | Abbey Bourdon (Wake Forest) | Sporadic Points with j-invariant of Bounded Degree |